Dot === Generates a dot file which can be used to render a directional graph. .. code:: bash $ ./bin/maestro run --plan=example/tag.json --report=dot Dot graph ========= Dump the graph to a dotfile Writing dot file to: /home/daniel/www/dantleech/maestro/ Generate the image with: dot /home/daniel/www/dantleech/maestro/ -Tpng -o maestro.png The below diagram shows the: - Node name followed by the node state in parenthesis - The task description - List of any artifacts generated .. graphviz:: digraph maestro { rankdir=TB "root" [color=black label=<root (done)
was initializing
Artifact: Maestro\\Library\\Support\\Environment\\Environment
Artifact: Maestro\\Library\\Support\\Variables\\Variables
Artifact: Maestro\\Library\\Support\\ManifestPath
>] "phpactor/container" [color=black label=<phpactor/container (done)
was initializing package phpactor/container
Artifact: Maestro\\Library\\Support\\Environment\\Environment
Artifact: Maestro\\Library\\Support\\Package\\Package
Artifact: Maestro\\Library\\Workspace\\Workspace
>] "phpactor/container/tests" [color=black label=<tests (done)
was running true
Artifact: Maestro\\Library\\Script\\ScriptResult
>] "phpactor/container/tag" [color=black label=<tag (done)
was applying tag
>] "root"->"phpactor/container" "phpactor/container"->"phpactor/container/tests" "phpactor/container/tests"->"phpactor/container/tag" }